Mark Raleigh

Director of CryoSIGHT and Assistant Professor
Geography & Geospatial Science
College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University

Email: raleigma _at_ oregonstate _dot_ edu


My name is Mark Raleigh and I am an Assistant Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University and the director of CryoSIGHT. I hold a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington, and am a registered Professional Engineer in my home state, Colorado.

As a snow hydrologist, I seek to better understand how much water is in seasonal snowpack, how that snowpack varies with respect to landscapes and climate, and in turn, how snowpack feeds rivers, impacts ecoysystems, interacts with human systems, and influences regional and global climate systems. Mountain snowpack is my main interest, but I am broadly interested in hydrologic and cryospheric systems and processes.

I draw upon remote sensing, process-based modeling, and innovative field measurements to characterize snowpack states and processes. I am interested in how these tools can be leveraged in combination to advance total system understanding and prediction of cold region hydrology.

Research Interests

snow, mountain, and forest hydrology; remote sensing; numerical modeling; data assimilation; machine learning; streamflow forecasting; water resources management; hydroclimate interactions, extremes, disturbance, and change; hydropower