Welcome from CryoSIGHT!
What We Do

The CryoSphere Interactions & Geospatial Hydrology Team seeks to improve our understanding of seasonal snow in watersheds and its role in physical and human systems.
Read more about our research.
Who We Are
We are hydrologists, geographers, engineers, and scientists with a common love for snow, water, and geospatial tools.
CryoSIGHT is led by Dr. Mark Raleigh who has been conducting snow and mountain hydrology research since 2007.
Read more about our team.

Where We Work

Our home base is the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University in the beautiful Willamette Valley.
Our research takes us to where snow falls and rivers flow, in mountains both near and far away. Sometimes that requires hopping on skis, snowshoes, or a snowmobile…

Read more about our fieldwork, projects, publications, and classes.
We invite you to discover our research, team, and impact!
Want to work with us?
Check for student opportunities or contact Mark Raleigh to collaborate.